My weekly roundup

It’s been a reasonably quite week in the FLAM household this week. It is week 2 of potty training for K and I must say how incredibly proud of her I am. She has took to it so well and we have barely had any accidents. HURRAH! So here is what has been going on with us this week.

 What we’ve been up to

Like I mentioned above, it’s been a quite week here and we have spent most of our week indoors. I have been working on my 2016 goals a lot this week by organising my home and trying to de clutter as many rooms as I can manage. I still have a fair way to go with this but I feel so much better already by organising the stuff that I have done.

We managed to squeeze a little soft play trip in at the start of the week and I got a chance to catch up with a friend over coffee. I enjoy organising a “mums meet” during the week, it enables me to get out of the house, it gives K a chance to interact and play with other children and I get to socialise with my friends. Its a win/win situation and I do think we all come away feeling much better for it.

At the start of the year we signed K up to a dance class close to where we live. Although she doesn’t officially start until April, we have been attending taster sessions on a Saturday morning. She absolutely loves it. She’s such a confident little girl and thrives on situations where she can interact and basically be the centre of attention. We look forward to the next session next week.

I’ve been going to the gym- and really loving it. Again, one of my 2016 goals was to get fit and I’ve been working this goal! It’s been difficult to drum the motivation up as I have to fit the gym in after the kids have gone to bed which is sometimes 8pm and all I want to do is crash on the sofa with a cuppa and the TV but I have been making a massive effort and feel so much better for it.


What I’ve been wearing

This week I’ve been trying to clear out my wardrobe and discover my style a little bit more. Becoming a mum for the second time has left me feeling a little down about my appearance, I’ve been too tired to make an effort with how I look so I just threw anything on in the morning and rarely put any makeup on. This just resulted me feeling awful and my self esteem hitting an all time low. So I have been making more of an effort with what I wear. Its slightly difficult when you a few pounds heavier than your used to being (damn baby weight) and some of my pre-pregnancy clothes still don’t fit me but over time I’m hoping they will do again.


What we’ve been loving

The Entourage box set. This series is a fair few years old now but me and my husband are working our way through it at night time after the kids have gone to bed. I love it! The episodes are only 25 minutes long so not long enough to lose interest and there is some really quick witted comedy within it. Something we definitely need at the end of the day.



That’s it from me this week. I’d love to hear what you’ve been up to over the last  7 days and what you’re loving lately. Feel free to leave me a comment. Also come and say hello to me over on Instagram (collettestate) where you can see more of what I’m up to during the week!


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